The Breakup is Officially Selected!

The Breakup official selection - Cyprus International Film Festival Golden Aphrodite 2019

We are thrilled to announce that The Breakup has been selected to participate into the Cyprus International Film Festival in Cyprus in June!
To our wonderful cast & crew, Martina Polla Avogadri, Lorenzo Pasqualini, Andri Loizides, George Zuban, Ashlin Green, Samuel Normington, Sadiqa Esmail, Kishan Khambhaita, Tayyab Khan, Daniele Bernabei, DavidMullenger, Laura Wolfe thank you and again. Nine hours of shooting for a 7 1/2 minute shot. It was one of the best shooting experiences of our lives life and we thrilled that the film is being well received.

Special thanks to Ms Olga Dimou and to Cyprus International Film Festival, we are truly thrilled and look forward to meeting you at the event!

Watch this space, and join us on our social media outlets to keep up to date with news of all things ABF!